Why is the Cold War called a cold war if no one fought?
Why is the Cold War called a cold war if no one fought?

Another ongoing war, the Syrian Civil War, is widely described as a series of overlapping proxy wars between the regional and world powers, primarily between the US and Russia. Major crises of the period included the Gulf War, Yugoslav Wars, the First and Second Congo Wars, First and Second Chechen War, September 11 attacks, War in Afghanistan (2001–2021), Iraq War, Russo-Georgian War and the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian War. Reacting on the rise of China, the Obama administration rebalanced strategic forces to the Asia-Pacific region. Both latter organizations included China, which is a fast rising power. Russia formed CSTO to replace the dissolved Warsaw Pact, established strategic partnership with China and several other countries and entered non-military organizations Shanghai and BRICS. In the first two decades of the period, NATO underwent three series of enlargement and France reintegrated into the NATO command. Most of former Soviet satellites and three former Baltic Republics were integrated into the European Union and NATO. The former Eastern Bloc became democratic and was integrated into world economy. Both the United States and Russia significantly reduced their nuclear stockpiles.

Why is the Cold War called a cold war if no one fought?

Relatively to the Cold War, the period is characterized by stabilization and disarmament. This period also marked the United States becoming the world's sole superpower. This period saw many former Soviet republics become sovereign nations, as well as the introduction of market economies in eastern Europe. The post–Cold War era is a period of history that follows the end of the Cold War, which represents history after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in December 1991. Bottom: former Russian president Boris Yeltsin waving the Russian flag in celebration of Russian democracy on 22 August 1991

Why is the Cold War called a cold war if no one fought?

Top: the change in borders in eastern Europe following the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Why is the Cold War called a cold war if no one fought?